The action star Steven Seagal has created panic on him one after another. What is the panic? Yeah, it's about his action of Sex. Reports, news, and articles entitled him as "Walking on the sexual grounds". According to reports, a farmer employee of the ‘Under Siege’ star Steven Seagal has accused him of sexual assault. Twenty three years old Kayden Nguyen, a former model from Los Angeles has filed a suit of worth $ 1million against the star on Monday.
According to Kayden, she responded to a craigslist ad for the post of executive assistant to Steven Seagal. When she reached at New Orleans where Seagal was shooting his reality show, “Steven Seagal Lawman”, she quickly sensed that she was hired to become her sex toy in place of one or two other attendants who were there to satisfied his sexual desires.
Again to court papers, Seagal asked Kayden and one of other women at his staff to massage him and when she refused to do the act, Steven Seagal forced his hands into her pants saying her to relax and adding that they would not do any thing special tonight and will save that for another night. Kayden Nguyen has added in her lawsuit that she tried to flee from the scene but Steven Seagal and his staff barred her to do so.
Kayden Nguyen is terrified and feels insecured for her safety.

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