Thursday 15 April 2010

Finally Elen Nordegren met end with Tiger

Finally, Elin Nordegren marriage with Tiger, has come to an end. Both are filing for divorce after Woods was recently exposed as what they call a “serial cheater.” The 29-year-old former super model is said to be fed up with all of the reports of the 14 women that have come forward saying that they have had sexual relationships with Tiger and wants out NOW! Now, but Not RIGHT NOW. All these make Elin Nordegren “violently angry” over the Nike ad that aired during the Masters that featured the voice of Woods’ late father, Earl. Elin wants half of his $671 million fortune and complete custody of their two young children, Sam (2) and Charlie (10 months).

"She's so far beyond hurt now. If she were angry or if she hated him, they might still have a chance to work it out. But she's beyond that," said the friend. "She's numb. She just doesn't care anymore. She's like, 'whatever.'

“She’s not going to let Tiger talk his way out of this,” the another source said. “There’s nothing he can say to erase years of betrayal.”

Several reports have said she will fly to Sweden for the holidays and while that has not yet been confirmed it is clear that divorce papers will be filed sooner rather than later.